June 13, 2021

Missed the live event? Check it out on Youtube or Facebook!

 Education and Music in Canada

We will open the symposium with an acknowledgment of the land that we are each participating from and a song that celebrates us coming together. We’ll bring the discussion to cross-cultural learning in Canada, appropriation in Classical music, and also how to think outside the box with a music degree in uncertain times.

With Alana Johnson, Samantha Whelan Kotkas and Valerie Whitney.

Whole Body Health

Learn what to look for in a personal trainer, as well as some basic movements and important info about nutrition. We’ll also put a focus on pelvic floor health, and mental wellness, including some tips for starting to include meditation in your life. 

With Hannah Gray, Allene Hackleman and Megan Evans.

Life Balance

This discussion is about finding balance, losing balance, finding compassion for our humanity, recognizing our strengths, and acknowledging that support exists. Some of the topics that we’ll touch on include: Parenthood & Motherhood / Preparing for auditions while working / being in the orchestra hot seat with young kids. 

With Miranda Cairns, Alana Despins, Alana Johnson and Merrie Klazek.

Brass Pedagogy (horn and trumpet) 3:45-4:45 PST (6:45-7:45 EST)

During this last hour, we’ll talk about some of the essential aspects of our routines and philosophies. The magic is in the individual moments where lightbulbs go off and connections are made. We’ll talk about these moments, as well as concepts specific to starting the day and the importance of always having a curious mind.

With Valerie Whitney, Allene Hackleman, Megan Evans and Merrie Klazek.